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Change-makers of the new era


A collective of strategists, business innovators and researchers, Un/known was founded on a simple, yet powerful idea:


Human insight is what makes transformation succeed in the real world.


Knowing this, we wanted to assist organisations with methods that reliably illuminate how people really think, behave, and what they find important.

From uncertainty to opportunity


Un/known was founded in 2020. Amidst the global pandemic, many companies found that the old ways of predicting trends were no longer reliable enough. Similarly, the most successful players were able to turn the unpredictable human element into a source of insight.


Combining our experience in research and business, we help our clients do just that.


Transformation starts from the people


The healthiest organisations are known for a mindset of curiosity and innovation – both towards their audience and their own employees. In environments like these, transformation is much more likely to succeed and get adopted. 


With experience from company cultures and decision-making processes, we encourage this mentality by involving people and departments in communication and collaboration.


Success starts from creating clarity – it just takes the right allies to get one started.

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Liisa Holma


With her ability to combine strategic and human depth, Liisa brings out the best of leaders and companies. She has worked in a wide array of business development and board member roles in large organisations and understands the intricacies of corporate culture and decision-making.


Often, you’ll hear Liisa championing for leadership that engages, inspires and treats people well. She believes this to be the key to building better businesses – and successful relationships with clients. 


Liisa has co-authored books such as  “Menestys syntyy asiakaskokemuksesta - B2B-johtajan opas" (2021) the first B2B customer experience guide published in Finland. More recently, she has made waves as the co-founder and one of the hosts of the popular work life podcast Lähtijät.

+358 50 303 4373


Meet the team

Sampo Axelsson

Strategy Lead

Sampo is on a mission to explore technology-driven change and its effects on humans. Customer and employee value are rapidly changing – understanding this development is essential for any future-proof business model.


Sampo's experience brings together many organisational functions. He effortlessly combines corporate innovation and insight with strategic marketing and communications. His  experience of different industries is equally wide, ranging from digital services to urban development and public transportation.

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Ulla Holma

Innovation Lead

One of the founders of Un/Known, Ulla has a long and diverse history in strategic design – with a soft spot for urban development and urban design. She has collaborated with city officials in both Helsinki and Tampere, and worked in leading design and development roles in some of the most prestigious agencies in Finland.


In her work, she seeks to connect the dots between companies and their shareholders. A proponent of human-centric approaches, she has helped many companies reevaluate their businesses by bringing client perspectives into clearer focus.


For Ulla, having the mindset of a researcher means asking questions and never taking things for granted. She believes this often leads to transformative insights about strategies and business models. Whether it’s city infrastructures or complex business environments, a holistic understanding of how all the pieces connect creates a fertile ground for innovation.


Anna Haverinen

Research Lead

With a PhD in Digital Culture research and a background in anthropology, Anna has creatively utilised these perspectives on her celebrated career in the business world.


She helps our clients apply a combination of customer, market and forecasting models – this leads to game-changing discoveries in strategy, product design and business development.


No stranger to presenting in front of an audience, Anna is also known as an engaging public speaker. Her experience covers everything from university lectures to workshops and TEDx – meaning you’re always in the hands of a skilled facilitator and a thought leader.

Anna Haverinen, Lead Researcher
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allies for optimists

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Drop us a line – we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.


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